Time and parameter-adaptive ROM optimisation tool

Time and parameter-adaptive ROM optimisation tool

In the framework of DEFACTO project, a tool for the efficient optimisation of the design of a battery cell based on a time and parameter-adaptive reduced order model (ROM) has been developed. It is available for download here:

DEFACTO ROM optimisation tool v1

This software tool is based on three components:

The first component (called CIDEMOD) is based on the FEniCS finite element library (https://fenicsproject.org) and the FEniCS extension multiphenics. It also uses the meshing tool Gmsh (http://gmsh.info/). The resulting tool is able to solve continuum p2D, p3D and p4D battery models.

The second component (called ECHROM) is an implementation of a model order reduction technique and provides a significant on-the-fly acceleration of p4D model simulations using CIDEMOD, which is relevant since those simulations can be extremely demanding in computational terms.

The third component (called OptiBat) allows to efficiently optimise the design of a battery cell using time-adaptive and parameter-adaptive model order reduction techniques, making use of the CIDEMOD and ECHROM software tools.

The three components of the optimisation tool are released under a Free Open Source Software (FOSS) licence. In particular, GNU Affero General Public License version 3 is used.

The three components of the optimisation tool are released under a Free Open Source Software (FOSS) licence. In particular, GNU Affero General Public License version 3 is used. A file containing a package built using Docker platform can be downloaded using the button above. The optimisation software can be installed for GNU/Linux, MacOSX and Windows systems.

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