To promote the integration of the DEFACTO findings, work method and scope, a series of e-learning materials have been developed. It includes relevant information for all the stakeholders on the battery value chain in different formats that are open and accessible in this section.

Training materials guide

WHITEPAPER: Driving innovation in battery cell design and manufacturing via multiphysic modelling

This document describes the current situation of the battery industry both in Europe and the world. It also states a clear idea of the Defacto project and its relationship with the present context.

WHITEPAPER: Outcomes and conclusions. Towards an innovative batteries’ model

In this white paper are outlined the main outcomes, innovations and conclusions that come from our project. There are, as well, listed the consortium partners with a short description of each one.

Defacto’s exploitation roadmap

This infographic serves to understand the Defacto outcomes: the technology readiness level they’ve reached and the stakeholders that will benefit from them.

Stakeholders roadmap

This interactive story map helps to understand the relationship between the different stakeholders of the battery value chain and the results of the Defacto project.


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