Monthly Archives - February 2021

DEFACTO joins 3beLiEVe Project meeting to look for synergies

The DEFACTO Project coordinator CIDETEC joined the General Assembly meeting of the 3beLiEVe Project on Wednesday, February 17th.During the session, celebrated online, they presented DEFACTO and our work to improve the understanding of cell behaviour and the cell manufacturing process by means of multiscale and multiphysic modelling tools. In addition, they held an open discussion for collaboration opportunities with this and other related projects.3beLiEVe is...


We expect DEFACTO (to) boost a smarter and more ecological transport system. – Interview with Sustainable Innovations

Ana I. Martinez, from Sustainable Innovations (SIE) speaks on this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO project, their expectations and the work they will carry out to ensure the successful communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project results.

Q: What is the main role of Sustainable Innovations (SIE) in DEFACTO?

A: Sustainable Innovations (SIE) is leader for the tasks related to the communication and dissemination of the project, the knowledge transfer, training and capacity building activities, as well as for the...