Monthly Archives - November 2020

DEFACTO enables us to thoroughly examine by simulations nearly every aspect of battery manufacturing on multiple scales – Interview with the Technical University of Braunschweig

Silas Wolf, from the Technical University of Braunschweig (TUBS) speaks on this interview about the main role of TUBS in the DEFACTO project, their expectations, and the work they will carry out on modelling and simulation of electrode processing.Q: What is the main role of TUBS in DEFACTO?A: At the Institute for Particle Technology of the Technical University of Braunschweig we have a broad knowledge of electrode manufacturing as well as particle simulation. Therefore, our role in the project consists of two parts. On the one hand, the main...


DEFACTO hosts online meeting with MODALIS2

Our project coordinator María Yáñez, from CIDETEC, held an online meeting with representatives from IFP Energies Nouvelles, coordinator of the LC-BAT-06 project MODALIS2, on October 20, in order to seek potential synergies between this initiative and DEFACTO.Advanced modelling and simulation tools are required that specifically target the electrode and cell level and addressing the fundamental understanding of materials and cell behavior.MODALIS2 is taking a multidisciplinary approach for the development of advanced modelling methods...