
“We contribute to the characterisation of the Li-ion battery materials studied in DEFACTO, with special emphasis on the microstructure of both the precursor powders and the electrode coatings” – Interview with CERTH

Nikolas Vlachos, from CERTH speaks in this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO project as well as their expectations within the initiative.  Q:  What is the main role of your entity in DEFACTO?A: The Aerosol & Particle Technology Laboratory of CERTH was invited to join the DEFACTO effort as a result of our association with automotive research and development, which focused on combustion emissions control, and our related capabilities in advanced materials characterisation which include in situ and...


Interview with IRIZAR

“Our efforts in this project are directed towards ensuring and providing the consortium end-user specifications and real-use conditions required to perform the experimental tests campaign to validate the simulations” – Interview with IRIZAR

Q: What is the main role of your entity in DEFACTO?

A: IRIZAR e-mobility is a company focused on offering electromobility solutions for urban environments, mainly 100 % electric buses.  As a leader in the design and manufacture of zero-emission electric buses, Irizar...


DEFACTO project is fully aligned with the so-called Industry 4.0 effort through the development of digital twins for the Li-ion cell industry – Interview with UPM (Polytechnic University of Madrid)

Fernando Varas, from UPM (Polytechnic University of Madrid), speaks in this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO Project, their expectations and the work they will carry out.Q: What is the main role of your entity in DEFACTO?A: As stated in the presentation, the main goal of the DEFACTO project is the development of multiphysics and multiscale models able to provide an in-depth understanding of cell materials, cell manufacturing processes and cell performance. Models developed by the different partners in this project...


By ensuring that the market standards are applied, we guarantee the quality of the work developed by the DEFACTO project, which will generate confidence in future customers. – Interview with UNE

José Antonio Jiménez Caballero from UNE – the Spanish Association for Standardisation speaks on this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO project, their expectations and the work they will carry out to analyse the standardization landscape and applicable standards to be adopted by the DEFACTO Project.

Q: What is the main role of UNE in DEFACTO?

A: First of all, our role as a Standards Body, is to ensure that the consortium developing the project knows and has at its disposal...


“DEFACTO (…) will accelerate cell development and boost the market uptake of next generation of batteries, positioning Europe as the leader of this sector.” – Interview with CIDETEC Energy Storage.

Elixabete Ayerbe, from CIDETEC Energy Storage, speaks on this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO Project, their expectations and the work they will carry out as project coordinators.

Q: What is DEFACTO? What is the goal of the project?

A: DEFACTO stands for Battery DEsign and manuFACTuring Optimization through multiphysic modelling and it is a project funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon2020 program. This project aims to understand the battery cell from multiscale and multiphysic perspectives.  Precisely the cell...


DEFACTO will (…) will allow the battery market in Europe to grow and strengthen – Interview with Leclanché SA

The R&D department of Leclanché SA speaks on this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO Project, the challenges they expect to face and the main advancement that the project will bring.Q: What is the role of Leclanché in the project?A: Leclanché is leading the work package related Cell prototyping, validation, and improvement. The main objectives of this task are to provide essential parameters for the simulation and optimization tools that will be developed by other consortium...


We expect DEFACTO (to) boost a smarter and more ecological transport system. – Interview with Sustainable Innovations

Ana I. Martinez, from Sustainable Innovations (SIE) speaks on this interview about their main role in the DEFACTO project, their expectations and the work they will carry out to ensure the successful communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project results.

Q: What is the main role of Sustainable Innovations (SIE) in DEFACTO?

A: Sustainable Innovations (SIE) is leader for the tasks related to the communication and dissemination of the project, the knowledge transfer, training and capacity building activities, as well as for the...


The insights gained by DEFACTO will expedite the transition towards a greener energy solution. – Interview with Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering

Dr. Vishank Kumar, from Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE) speaks on this interview about the main role of ABEE in the DEFACTO project, their expectations and the work they will carry out in developing the multi-scale multi-physics model for monitoring cell performance, lifetime and optimizing the cell design.Q: What is the main role of ABEE in DEFACTO?A: Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE) is a dynamic and specialized company in the field of battery and energy technologies...


DEFACTO enables us to thoroughly examine by simulations nearly every aspect of battery manufacturing on multiple scales – Interview with the Technical University of Braunschweig

Silas Wolf, from the Technical University of Braunschweig (TUBS) speaks on this interview about the main role of TUBS in the DEFACTO project, their expectations, and the work they will carry out on modelling and simulation of electrode processing.Q: What is the main role of TUBS in DEFACTO?A: At the Institute for Particle Technology of the Technical University of Braunschweig we have a broad knowledge of electrode manufacturing as well as particle simulation. Therefore, our role in the project consists of two parts. On the one hand, the main...


Leveraging technology to find the optimum Li-ion battery cells design – Interview with ESI Group

Dr. Fouad el Khaldi, from ESI Group, speaks on this interview about their role in the DEFACTO project, their expectations and the work they will carry out on optimization and sensitivity analysisQ: What is the main role of ESI Group in DEFACTO?A: In the project, ESI group is a technology provider bringing their expertise in Model Order Reduction technologies, Machine Learning algorithms, and optimization. These skills and related software tools will be leveraged for finding the optimum design of the different types of Li-ion battery...