DEFACTO hosts consortium meeting 12 months after its kickoff

DEFACTO hosts consortium meeting 12 months after its kickoff

All the consortium members gathered online to celebrate the General Assembly meeting of the project on December 2 and 3, 2020, nearly one year after it kicked off.

During the first day of the meeting, the partners assessed the progress of the tasks and activities comprised in the first Work Packages:

  • Testing, analytical tools and characterization
  • Modelling and simulation of electrode processing
  • Modelling and simulation of electrolyte filling process

In addition, the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH hosted a virtual visit to its  facilities in Greece, where the meeting was expected to take place. However, due to COVID-19, it was held online instead.

The second day focused on the review of the rest of the work packages:

  • Modelling and simulation of cell performance and ageing mechanisms
  • Optimization and sensitivity analysis
  • Cell prototyping, validation and improvement

Moreover, the partners reviewed the impact of the communication and dissemination efforts, and held an exploitation workshop to identify the Key Exploitable Results of the project.


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