On November 28, 2022, the 8th bwHPC Symposium counted on the presence of our colleague Benjamin Kellers, researcher at DLR where he presented high-performance computing-related results developed in the framework of the DEFACTO project.
In this context, the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) supported our colleague Martin regarding the visualization of the DEFACTO project results. They provided a video about electrolyte filling of Lithium Ion Battery Electrodes which gives insight into this time-critical step during battery manufacturing that also affects battery performance.
Credits: HLRS in Stuttgart – Department for Visualization
The bwHPC Symposium offers a singular chance to actively interact during a dialogue between scientific users, bwHPC services operators, and the bwHPC support centres. Its focus is on the presentation of scientific comes and success stories allotted with the assistance of bwHPC superior computing within the context of the Baden-Württemberg information federation.
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